Saturday, January 10, 2009

hello it's me

Ok, I started the other blog because I wanted to "self-publish" my novel, Small Boat Sails into Big Mystery. I really don't have the patience or the heart to try to sell the thing, and I got a day-job so I am not desperate for money. But what's the point of writing something if nobody reads it? So the first chapter is up now, and as soon as a few people indicate they have read it, I'll post the next chapter.

In looking for people to lure into opening my book, I started reading blogs. It's an interesting phenomenon. There are so many styles, so many motives. Mostly people just seem to be airing out their minds, creating a little cyber-vibe in the mystical space around them, then waiting to see if anybody swims through. Sounds like a pretty cool thing to do. I think I'll try it.

As I mentioned in the other blog, the book is the fruition of a long, slow creative process, about 40 years long. So it's special to me.

I'm a songwriter and I have songs posted on Myspace. Go to myspace, select "music" in the search box and type in Jim Nail. Every now and then I'll post a blog there, but have had very few hits. If I get more response to this one, I'll probably switch my allegiance.

Stop in and say hello! I try not to be interested entirely in myself.

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